Allison’s Recommended Pantry Items

Below are the most common pantry items you will use with your Prep Dish meal plans. They are linked to my favorite online delivery service: Thrive Market.


Thrive Market


Important- Click here first to receive 20% off your first 3 orders! (new Thrive members only)
I found that with the 20% off on my first order, I saved enough to basically pay for the annual fee!


Balsamic Vinegar Toasted Sesame Oil
Extra Virgin Olive Oil Balsamic Vinegar Toasted Sesame Oil Coconut Aminos (or Tamari)
Almond Butter Coconut Milk Almond Flour Coconut Flour
Almond Butter (or PB) Full Fat Coconut Milk (or lite) Almond Flour Coconut Flour
honey marinara sauce
Honey Marinara Sauce Almonds Cashews
Pecans Dates Chia Seeds Coconut Oil
Maple Syrup Sunbutter Red Curry Paste (or Green) Crushed Tomatoes
chicken broth
Chicken Broth Chili Powder  Turmeric Hemp Seeds
vanilla extract cumin Tuna
Vanilla Extract Cumin Walnuts Tuna


See more of Allison's recommendations:
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