March 2016: Meat & Seafood Order

Here’s a list of meat needs for March with links to US Wellness Meats:

 12 Salmon Fillets (1,3,4)

1.5# Shrimp (2)

4 Chicken Legs (1)

1# Ground Beef (1)

2.5# Ground Bison (1,4,5)* Paleo Only

2-3# Chicken Tenders (2,4)

~3# Ground turkey (2, 3 & 5) (not available, Ground Beef  recommended sub )

1# Chicken Breasts (3)

1-2# Italian Sasuage (4) (1# for GF, 2# for Paleo)

4 Mahi Fillets (5) (not available, Halibut recommended sub)

1# Beef Stir Fry Meat (2)

Bacon (5)

Flank Steak (5)

Learn more about US Wellness Meats.

Note: a minimum order of $75 is required

Want to see what’s on the menu in March? Here’s a list of March menus.

I am excited to have partnered with US Wellness Meats & by purchasing through these links, you help support Prep Dish. 

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